Saturday, March 10, 2007

The New Baby

It's such a beautiful day today - a perfect Spring day with a soft breeze blowing and the temperature just perfect to be wearing a sweatshirt. Bill was cleaning the gutters out for me and I was in the house, desperately trying to air it out after everything being cooped up for months. The house, in and out, needed a good cleaning. While I was in the basement, across-the-street neighbor, Jen, surprised me by coming over with her new baby girl. I hadn't seen her in a few weeks but I knew that the baby had arrived so I didn't want to go over and bother her.

The baby is five weeks old, six weeks this coming Wednesday, and she's adorable. Jen let me hold her and let's just say my experience with new-born babies is close to none so I was a little nervous at first but I must have done well enough since the baby's neck didn't break and I was supporting her head. The baby was due February 14th but she came at the end of January instead and wound up spending a week in ICU before she came home during the February blizzard. Jen and I were outside talking for maybe ten minutes before the baby wanted to go eat but Jen told me that I wouldn't be bothering her and that I can come over whenever I want. Jen is one of the nicest neighbors in the world.

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