Saturday, March 10, 2007


My parents and Chrissy are going to be spending Easter with me and then they will be heading down to Arkansas for a few days to see my mom's mother. I'm not going because I don't want to take off work and I have no desire to go down there so I am in charge of babysitting Maxwell for the week! It should be disasterous on so many levels but nonetheless, I am excited. Baxter will be ecstatic for the playmate and Maxwell is a good dog that sleeps all day and night. Hopefully, the three of us will come out of this still alive.


Melissa said...

Katie, this would be a brillant fifth season plot for My Best Friends Dog! Think abou it!

Anonymous said...

5th season ? This drama would die after the first 2 hours.

How many dog attacking dog attacking owner scenes can you show ?