Sunday, March 18, 2007


Damn, it's been a while. I'm sorry. I started writing a new story and I've just been too tired in the evenings after work to update. But here are some headlines before I post anything else.

Three 'Jeopoardy' contestants end up tied - a first in the game show's 23 year history.

Angelina Jolie has kept a low profile this weekend in Vietnam with her new adopted son, three year old Pax.

Carol Burnett is suing tv cartoon 'Family Guy' for making fun of her. I thought comics were supposed to be able to take a joke.

"Shrek 3" gets ready for an internationl invasion.

Animal owners panic over pet food recall.

USAToday does a profile of one of my favorite young actors: Shia LaBeouf.

Cate Blanchett may be starring in "Indiana Jones 4".

Critics haven't been liking the past few episodes of HBO's Rome.

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