Sunday, March 18, 2007

James Lipton Kicks Ass

A new episode of Inside the Actor's Studio airs tomorrow night, March 19th, on BravoTV at 8 p.m./ 7 p.m. central, and the guest this week is Mark Ruffalo - a personal favorite actor of mine. Ruffalo most recently appeared in Zodiac but my favorite role of his was the role of stoner brother Terry in You Can Count On Me. If you haven't seen this movie co-starring Laura Linney, rent it. I highly recommend it. He has also starred in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and 13 Going on 30, which I begrudingly admit, was better than I thought it would be. Mark Ruffalo was the reason I even watched that movie in the first place. Ruffalo will be talking about his life, both professionally and personally, and will also speak of his health crisis when it was discovered he had a brain tumor.

1 comment:

Stella Marie said...

yea! you're alive!!

ps i also love mark ruffalo. you should see him in "we don't live here anymore," if you haven't already. delightful.