Thursday, December 13, 2007

Is It Possible To Be This Tired?

And the answer to that age-old question is a simple yes. I got home around 1 a.m. last night and even Baxter was tired because we went to bed almost immediately and we both passed out. I got to the concert around 7 p.m., which was perfect because I really only wanted to see Silversun Pickups (who are amazing live) anyway and Jimmy and Montgomery were waiting in the door for me. They were drunk most of the night and both of those guys drunk are huge sources of entertainment for me. After the concert - which was so much fun and crowded - we went to a couple of bars in the neighborhood but I only had a couple of beers so Jimmy and Montgomery drank more, saying they had to make up for me. I finally left around midnight to get back to the beautiful southeast.

Lines of the night:

Montgomery (shouting in between band changes): Am I the ONLY black guy that likes to rock? (which was answered with cheers from the people around us) He also seemed to be right seeing as how there weren't that many black people at the concert.

Jimmy: Alright. It's either time to drink some beer or kick some ass and it looks like I'm all out of ass. I mean beer. Beer. Did I say ass?

Some drunk guy (to me): Hey. I couldn't help but notice what you're wearing.
Me: Yeah. I'm wearing clothes. It's a concept a lot of girls here aren't familiar with.
Jimmy: Hey! Buddy! I'm all out of beer so watch out! (to me with the guy standing right there)He totally wants to roofie you.

You got to love a drunk Jimmy getting protective of me when he could barely stand up without swaying - which sucked for him because House of Blues is an all standing venue. Montgomery and I haven't really spoken to one another in a couple of months but that changed last night when Montgomery said he was sorry and I basically said that it was cool. We all go through things and LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE CAUGHT UP WITH PETTY IMMATURE BULLSHIT. There. I said my piece.

The dynamic duo got home last night okay I'm figuring because when I woke up, there were three pictures in my inbox. I didn't bring my camera with me and I don't think I've ever seen Montgomery take a picture so that left Jimmy - who may I remind you was intoxicated and could barely hold the camera straight - but he insisted that he was fine. Great pictures James.

Montgomery - the only black man who likes to rock

Jimmy occupying himself in the bar bathroom

"I must have been obsessed with Kate's head last night because this is one of six pictures just like it" - Jimmy

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