Thursday, December 13, 2007

Business Lunches Make Me Feel Like an Adult

Yesterday for lunch, Linda, Bob, Dave a.k.a. worthless and myself headed over to Circle R for a holiday luncheon to show our appreciation for one of our biggest electrical contractors. We got lunch catered from Lucrezia - that amazing Italian restaurant that also catered our open house - and I was finally able to meet people that I had talked to on the phone for over a year. Chuck, the owner, Nick, his son, Robin, Rich, Jim - who I have talked to countless times - Mark, Amy, and Tommy. It was great to meet all of them, finally, and it was a lot of fun. Just a lot of joking around and laughing. Made me feel so grown up. Only adults have holiday luncheons in offices like that. Next week, we have a luncheon with Hyre, another electrical contractor, so I get to feel like an adult twice in two weeks. Whoa. Now I'm scared.

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