Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Oh, Canada

Do you remember during the last presidential election when so many liberals were saying that if George W. Bush was re-elected, they were hauling ass up to Canada or over to France? Well, now I'm going to be saying the same thing - not that I'm moving to France. I took French classes in school for seven years and I can barely string two words together. No. Instead, if Hilary Clinton is elected president in November '08, I'm moving to Canada. True, I'll still have to pay US taxes since I would never give up my citizenship but it's a small price to pay if that woman does in fact win the election. And according to a new poll about who people would vote for right now if they could, Hilary Clinton would be our new president. So I guess this means that I need to start saving my money. And maybe I should register to vote so at least I can get one of those bumper stickers "Don't blame me. I didn't vote for Clinton."

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