Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday's Gone

Well, it's Tuesday night and that only means one thing. Yep. COPS marathon on CourtTV! I bet you know what I'm watching right now. This week has been pretty slow at work so far. We had a big quote due yesterday morning and then another one today. The rest of the week looks to be just as slow. Sometimes, it's nice to be able to breathe while at work but on the other hand, when things are slightly hectic, the time flies by like it did this morning. Oh well. I'm clearly never satisfied.

I had that chicken mushroom thing from the crockpot with the rice that I love to death. It's so nice to come home and have a warm cooked meal waiting for me. I also got Marie Antoinette through Netflix and watched it. The movie is very delicious looking with all of the sweets and pastel colors used but as for the plot... well, don't watch this movie for plot.

Baxter has been in love with the spring weather outside. I'm able to keep the door open more so he loves looking out. Yesterday, I let him outside when I got home for work and he spent about two to three hours outside, just running around, chasing birds, or sitting and looking up and down the street. He slept like a baby last night and since he was doing the same thing today, hopefully I'm in for another sleepful night.

I just hung up with Brittnay after a good twenty-five minute talk. I adore talking with her. No matter what we talk about, we can make each other laugh. Our conversations are mostly nonsense but that's why she's my best friend. We can talk to each other about nothing and am still be able to talk without pauses or beats. She is graduating from college in May with an education degree and all I have to do is figure out whether or not I can go to Toledo for that weekend and celebrate with her. Toledo is only about 3-3 1/2 hours away so hopefully things will work out and I'll be able to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey ! Instead of watching Cops for 3 hours how about going out into the yard with Baxter and raking the old leaves and dead grass ?