Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mail Call

I finally went grocery shopping today after work. Thank god because I really didn't have any food in the house that seemed appetizing. I do hate grocery shopping though because I have a habit of just buying enough food to get me through maybe two weeks. For some reason, I have a hard time buying ahead. I don't know. Perhaps my dad needs to train me in grocery shopping a little bit more.

Baxter got his first piece of mail ever today! His birthday is April 9 and he will be a year old already. My puppy is growing up so fast. It feels like just yesterday he came into my life and ruined it. He's part of the birthday club at Petsmart and they were sending him a card for a free gift. It's perfect timing though because mom, dad and Chrissy are coming to spend Easter with me, which is on the 8th so they will all be here for Baxter's birthday. I'm not sure what I'm going to do but perhaps I can bake him some dog-safe cookies or something. I wonder if you can make a cupcake that wouldn't kill a dog.


Anonymous said...

You have food in the house for 2 weeks ?
According to your Brother, you have food for about 2 hours...

Anonymous said...

We are taking Baxter to Lawry's so he can have his very own cut of Prime Rib.

It will be a special 1st B-day !!