Thursday, March 01, 2007

How Does Your Light Shine?

I don't know how but I need to get down to Cincinnati sometime and visit Xavier's campus. My sister went to Xavier University for her undergrad but I have more Xavier apparel than her for some reason. And I need more. My two favorite tee-shirts, navy blue ones that have Xavier written across the front, are slowly becoming unwearable. My first one preferred actually is unwearable unless I wish to be obscene. It is something resembling swiss cheese with all of the holes and rips and tears. I don't have the heart to get rid of it though. I was literally standing at my kitchen sink, ready to toss it in the cabinet underneath and keep it there as a dust rag but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It's now folded and put away in a drawer. The other favorite is slowly following its path. It has two holes, one under each arm and the hemline is tearing apart. I need to get more . These were two of my favorites in a rather extensive tee-shirt collection. That's saying something.

For some reason, I decided to watch Lost last night. I had read earlier yesterday that last night's episode was taking us back to the beach - you know, to follow the people the show was originally about before it sucked. Last night was so enjoyable and great for several reasons: it was centered mostly on Hurley, Charlie, Jin and Sawyer, Kate was barely in it, and the main song of the night was Shambala, the best song from Three Dog Night. If every episode could be like it was last night, I bet Lost wouldn'e be in the ratings toilet like it has been.

Something odd happened to me last night. I went to bed around 10:30, later than usual because Brian kept talking to me and wouldn't let me go, and then, I woke up at my alarm. There was nothing in between that time but sleep. Baxter let me sleep the entire night through and he did as well. No barking, no crawling all over me. It was quiet and peaceful and I slept. And it was glorious. Of course, he owed me a night without him bothering me after what he did last night but it's too disgusting so I won't even discuss it.

1 comment:

Stella Marie said...

a good friend of mine is getting her PsyD at Xavier right now... I'm sure we could work out some sort of arrangement in order to hook you up with some new tee shirts :)