Thursday, March 01, 2007

In Like A Lion...

Today during my lunch hour, I finally called the groomer and set up an appointment for Baxter to get a haircut. I think the last time he was groomed was sometime in October - around Heidi's wedding maybe. Well, no matter when it was, he desperately needs to be groomed again. The weather is slowly turning to Spring so I don't have to worry about Baxter freezing to death when he goes outside with no hair. Not only is he a hairy monster but he also smells. I can't take it anymore.

I also finally went grocery shopping tonight after work. I couldn't take eating rice anymore and I missed eating a pear every morning. I adore fruit. Besides pears, I also bought grapes, raspberries and some bananas. I wish I could have gotten a 12-pack of Dr. Pepper but one day at a time. You think since I gave pop up every year for Lent, it would start to get easier but that's not the case. I think one year, instead of giving up pop, I should try to not swear for 40 days. Now that would be a challenge.

It's amazing how quickly the weather changed. Two weeks ago, we got slammed with a blizzard and now, we're dealing with thunderstorms. I'm not sure which I prefer. I love the winter and the cold and the way everything seems to be silent when it snows. But I love being tucked away in my house with a book and listening to the rain hit the roof above. The only problem with that is I can't sleep when it rains. Whenever it starts to rain at night, I know I'm in for a long night unless it stops. It's been raining on and off all day so I did get to wear my favorite yellow rain jacket, which always makes me happy.

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