Monday, March 05, 2007

Gone 25 Years

Legendary comic John Belushi died of a drug overdose at age 33 in March 1982, 25 years ago, but his popularity remains. The reason Animal House and Blues Brothers, and his skits on SNL, were so hilarious was because of John Belushi and his classic comedic presence. Before Chris Farley, there was John Belushi and he can still make me pee my pants whenever I watch him. I remember watching Animal House with my mom and she was just staring at me as I laughed my head off, unable to breathe at some points. He says one of my all-time favorite lines from any movie ever made. When stuck in traffic because of a Nazi march blocking the street, John Belushi aka Jake Blues in Blues Brothers only has one opinion on the matter. "I hate Illinois Nazis."

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