Monday, March 05, 2007

Actually a Pretty Nice Little Saturday

Poor Baxter. Everyone has been commenting on his hair, or lack there of, for the entire day. He is sheared like a lamb and his hair will grow back. I just have to make sure I comb it as it starts to come in again. My biggest concern at the moment though is it's getting colder outside again and during lunch, Baxter came back into the house from being outside and he was shivering. I refuse to buy him any type of clothing though. I hate dogs dressed up as humans.

I was such an adult this weekend. Jimmy and Montgomery came over on Saturday and after dragging them both to church, we wound up at Target where I was so excited at our discovery. I bought a shark bath towel and shark hand towel! I was so excited. Sharks are never on anything that can be used to decorated a bathroom. For some reason, people don't like to look at sharks while they're taking a shower or bath. I can't help it though. I adore sharks and I of course had to buy these towels when I found them. I also went to Kohl's and bought purple bedsheets. I needed new ones for my bed and I loved the purple color I found. And since they were on sale, I made the adult decision and bought them. I felt like Will Ferrell in Old School when he's talking about going to Home Depot and maybe Bed, Bath and Beyond.

I'm so super excited because this coming Thursday, my brother Bill is coming to visit for the weekend and I'm working on a couple cds to give him. Bill and I have always had the same taste in things - tv shows, movies and music. Though he is a Who fan and I'm a Zeppelin fan. And I just found that he likes Lips of an Angel by Hinder, one of the worst songs on the radio at the moment, so I'm actually not sure whether or not he deserves these kick ass mixes from me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will these kick ass mix cds have the dance-remix of "Murderer" by Rhianon, by any chance?...

(Just kidding! Don't kill me!!!)