Monday, February 26, 2007

My Weekend

I had a really good weekend back at home though the two days seemed to go by too quickly in my opinion. I left work on Friday around 2:30 and was packed and on the road by 3:10. And since you gain an hour crossing into the eastern time zone, I got there around 9:30. I love going home. I miss my room and just being there. Baxter was absolutely insane upon seeing Maxwell and my parents and since he slept the entire way there, he did not sleep one wink Friday night and my parents had to suffer since they were the ones he bothered all night.

I got to hang out with Adam and Brittnay on Saturday night, which really was the main reason for me going home. I also got to meet Adam's new girlfriend Sarah. She seemed nice and a lot better than the girl he dated while in high school but I find it always hard to really get to know a person who's thrown in a situation like this. Adam, Brittnay and myself have been best friends and have known one another for years. When we're together, we're talking about all of these things that probably don't make much sense to anyone else. As is our tradition, we watched a bad horror movie, but only after calling Jon and asking him if it was alright to do so without him. Adam and Sarah left early but Brittnay stuck around and we watched another movie and hung out. Hopefully, she'll be able to come up and visit me during her Spring Break.

My dad is a full-blown Rome addict now. I had ordered the DVDs at a really good price on-line and the package had arrived Friday before I left, which was wonderful timing. I took it home with me and my dad could not stop watching episodes. I can't believe this. My dad doesn't understand buying DVDs and there he was, sitting on the couch all Sunday morning, except when we went to Bob Evans to eat, and afternoon, watching Rome. I'm happy he likes it so much. If he's going to be addicted to a tv show, at least it wasn't to one he found on MTv.

My parents are going to kill me reading this next part since Baxter didn't let them sleep Friday night. Driving back yesterday, Baxter slept for the entire five hour drive. Normally, in most situations, there would be no way he would sleep that night. But last night, after chasing his bones around and humping that IKEA dog, and I watched a few episodes of Cops since the first couple hours of the awards show are concering awards I really don't care about, we both went to bed. And Baxter slept the entire night through except around 3 when he had to go out. But other than that, he slept and he let me sleep. I'm sorry mom and dad. I guess sleep just doesn't interest him when he's with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with MTV shows ?

Engaged and Underage and Juvies are great !!

Glad to hear Baxter is happy to be home.

It was worth the missed sleep to see him for the week end !!