Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Shining/Mary Poppins

So, The Shining by Stephen King is definitely one of the scariest things I have ever read. I was practically like Joey from Friends when he wants to hide the book in the freezer. And though a lot of fans of the book despise the movie, I actually really like the film starring Jack Nicholson. Below, a very clever and creative person re-envisioned The Shining, turning it into a fuzzy cozy romantic comedy. It's hilarious and actually had me laughing out loud - especially if you've seen the real version of the movie.

Also, I know I've posted this before but I wanted to again. Last night, on television, Mary Poppins was being shown. Now, this is a movie I hate. Mary Poppins is so full of herself. "Practically Perfect in Every Way", oh please. Below, someone has recut scenes from the movie to turn it into a horror movie and I love it.

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