Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Baxter vs. Possum

So, last Wednesday was a fun night. I put Baxter out around 10:00 p.m. and I noticed around 10:20 that he was barking his head off. I went out onto the front porch to see what the hell was going on and I saw this black shape on the fence between my house and the Ramirez house. At first I thought it was a cat but then I thought "Oh no."

That was not a cat. It was none other than a possum. Baxter kept jumping up but he couldn't get a grip on it. The possum was scared out of its mind but I was scared out of mine to get too close to it. It was a great time trying to grab a puppy without getting too close to the wild animal considering that the animal was right above me when I finally grabbed Baxter and carried him into the house. Baxter did snap on its tail but he still didn't get too good of a grip on the thing - thank god. In the house, Baxter cried for about a half an hour, wanting to go back outside but he finally passed out around eleven. Good times. Good times.

My dog is a hunter. And I can't even be mad at him when he goes after wildlife. He's a terrier. Hunting wildlife is what he does.

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