Sunday, April 01, 2007


Here are some random pictures. The first of course is of my city. I found this awesome shot of Chicago and I just wish the picture was a bit bigger. Chicago is my favorite city and I'm so glad I'm living here now. I miss Milwaukee horribly but there's just something about Chicago that I just love. The second photo is of Oliver at his birthday party this past weekend. He's so adorable.


Anonymous said...

You failed to mention that today is Gator's 16th B-Day !!

They are calling it The Big Bong in Miss. 2 farms in Boliva worked all winter to bring in a crop to satisfy the demand !

You can see the smoke for 50 miles outside of H-Burg !!

I hope the Burger King is prepared for the onslaught of Gator and his smoked up friends !!

Anonymous said...

This explains why you could not find rolling papers in a 100 mile radius.